Removing Unhatched Eggs: When Should It Be Done ?

In the field of poultry farming, incubation is a critical stage to ensure the healthy and optimal development of chicks. A frequently asked question in this context is when to remove eggs that have not hatched. This decision is fundamental to ensure the hatchery’s health and prevent any contamination.

We will address this question in three points.

Silkie chick

The Importance of Identifying Unhatched Eggs

Eggs that do not hatch can result from various factors. Genetic abnormalities, inadequate incubation conditions, or the presence of diseases can prevent the embryos’ normal development. It is essential to identify and remove unhatched eggs after the expected hatching period for several reasons.

Health Risk

A contaminated unhatched egg can become a source of pathogenic microorganisms. This contamination can arise from various factors, including inappropriate incubation conditions, health issues, or the embryo’s genetic anomalies.

Pathogenic microorganisms present in such an egg can multiply rapidly and pose a threat to other eggs or chicks in the same environment.

Risk of Contamination

When eggs spoil in a hatchery, they release harmful gases that can alter the air quality inside. These gases specifically contain ammonia and carbon dioxide, which can be harmful to newly hatched chicks.

Poor air quality can lead to a deterioration in the chicks’ health, respiratory problems, and even mortality. Fumigating incubation eggs is also an important practice to reduce the risks of air contamination by pathogenic microorganisms.

Space Optimization

In large-scale hatcheries, space is a valuable resource to ensure maximum production.

Unhatched eggs unnecessarily occupy this space that could be used for new batches of eggs. It is essential to optimize the use of infrastructure to maximize productivity, and this includes effective management of available space.

Quickly removing unhatched eggs is a common practice to make room for new hatchlings.

LaserLife Technology for Identification

The advent of technology has brought significant advances in various fields, including poultry farming.

One of these advances is the LaserLife machine, which stands out for its ability to detect egg viability. This technology relies on the use of lasers to analyze the characteristics of eggs, such as their shell, size, and composition.

It allows hatcheries to more accurately determine which eggs are viable for incubation, thus improving the efficiency of the process and, notably, the costs associated with incubating non-viable eggs.


The LaserLife machine is an innovative technology used in the field of egg incubation. It relies on the use of a non-invasive laser that analyzes the embryo’s growth inside the egg. This analysis determines whether the egg is viable or not. By examining parameters such as embryonic development, the LaserLife machine can help poultry farmers identify eggs that are unlikely to hatch into healthy chicks.

This technology is valuable for large-scale incubation operations, as it allows for efficient egg sorting, thus saving time and resources.


Its main advantage lies in its ability to ensure exceptional accuracy, significantly reducing human errors compared to traditional methods.

Thanks to a non-invasive laser, the LaserLife machine can analyze the embryo’s growth inside the egg extremely accurately. This method eliminates the guesswork and uncertainties that can occur with other techniques.

Moreover, it allows for rapid assessment, which is essential in environments where time is crucial.

Process Optimization

The discussed technology revolutionizes hatchery operations by allowing more efficient management of non-viable eggs.

Thanks to it, eggs can be quickly and accurately assessed for their viability, thus avoiding wasting space and resources on eggs that will not produce chicks.

Increased Efficiency

This accumulated efficiency contributes to better use of space in large-scale hatcheries, thereby improving overall productivity.

Recommendations for the Removal of Unhatched Eggs

The removal of unhatched eggs is a critical step in hatchery operations to ensure the health of the chicks and maximize productivity.

Analysis Schedule

When working with the LaserLife machine in a hatchery environment, it is essential to establish a precise analysis schedule to ensure the best possible outcome in egg hatching. Here’s why it’s recommended to use this technology regularly, preferably a few days before the expected hatching date:

  • Early Problem Detection: By performing regular analyses, you can quickly identify non-viable eggs or those with growth anomalies. This allows for appropriate measures to be taken.
  • Optimization of Hatching Capacity: By removing non-viable eggs in time, you free up space in the incubator for healthy eggs, thereby improving the overall hatching capacity.
  • Reduction of Health Risks: The quick removal of non-viable eggs helps maintain a healthier and more hygienic environment in the hatchery, especially by reducing the risks of disease spread.
  • Increasing Productivity: By fostering the successful hatching of healthy eggs, you maximize the production of healthy chicks, which is essential for the poultry industry.

Hygiene Procedures

The removal of unhatched eggs in a hatchery environment requires strict attention to hygiene to maintain the health of the remaining embryos and prevent cross-contamination. Here are some essential hygiene procedures to follow:

  • Hand washing
  • Wearing appropriate equipment
  • Cleaning tools
  • Proper disposal

By adhering to these strict hygiene procedures, you significantly reduce the risks of cross-contamination and help maintain a healthy environment for the remaining embryos, thus favoring an optimal hatching rate.

Ongoing Training

Ensuring regular staff training on the use of LaserLife technology and best practices for managing unhatched eggs is paramount.

Continued staff training is crucial for optimizing the use of LaserLife technology in the treatment of unhatched eggs. Here’s why:

  • Mastery of Technology: Trained employees better understand the workings of LaserLife technology, reducing usage errors, and maximizing its potential.
  • Food Safety: Training raises staff awareness of hygiene and food safety standards, thereby minimizing the risks of contamination of the remaining eggs.
  • Operational Efficiency: Trained employees are more efficient in the process of removing non-viable eggs, which can increase the overall hatching rate.
  • Cost Reduction: Fewer errors mean fewer losses of viable eggs, which can lead to substantial savings.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Training ensures that operations comply with local and international regulations regarding egg management.
  • Knowledge Updating: Technologies evolve, and ongoing training allows staff to stay informed of the latest advances in the field.

The hatching sector plays a vital role in livestock production. An efficient process of removing unhatched eggs ensures an optimal environment for developing the remaining embryos, thus minimizing losses.

LaserLife technology, by accurately identifying non-viable eggs, improves production quality and reduces costs.

The use of advanced methods, such as the LaserLife machine, enhances the industry’s competitiveness by meeting the growing demands for animal products. By optimizing the process, it contributes to the sustainability of the operation and the quality of the final products.

Removing unhatched eggs is mandatory to avoid the loss of chicks and gain productivity.

Written by district-parthenay